Our Initiatives

The Bespoke Tourism Platform

A tailor made youth platform highlighting the various challenges that have prevented the growth of the tourism sector in Kenya. The aim of hosting this platform is to challenge final year students studying tourism/hospitality to engineer solutions to the very same challenges that they shall encounter as future captains of industry thus ensuring the future growth of the tourism sector in Kenya.

Key Benefits

  • Students shall be equipped with the necessary skills to critically decipher problems affecting the tourism sector in Kenya.
  • Students shall be guided to identify viable business and career opportunities by engineering solutions to the problems identified thus driving viable growth of the Kenyan tourism sector.

Youth in Focus Civic Education Platform

A highly interactive platform aimed at helping the youth understand their power as voters and their rights and responsibilities as citizens. This is achieved by delving into key chapters of the Kenyan 2010 constitution. The aim is to get the youth interested and involved in governance affairs thus becoming active citizens. The platform also debunks the myth that the youth have no voice in deciding their future in Kenya.

Key Benefits

  • The session addresses the perennial problem of misuse of our youth by politicians during each election cycle owing to their ignorance.
  • The session equips our youth with the knowledge to determine and choose leaders of integrity which holds the key to their future.
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